mandag 29. desember 2014

So long, and thanks for all the fish 2014!

What a year this have been! Both in game and out of game. I guess I should divide it into bulks.

Real life -up's and downs

The last year was a very special year. I think I have visited most hospitals in Oslo during the year, and now I hope I am done with that for a LONG TIME. That said, my gosh, nurses and doctors -you do a hell of job! I am very grateful for the warmth I have been met with during my stays!

It started out with a nice and innocent operation. Then I got an infection that would not go away. While being treated for the infection, I got blood clog (emboli) in my lounges that got into a critical phase -luckily it got discovered in time so they gave me emergency treatment that worked well, but the infections would not stop. Had to have a second surgery to fix wounds that would not grow, and more infections due to that I am most likely allergic /reacting to surgical threads.

Spent half a year getting rid of all the infections in my body and building up some energy (being ill constantly really drains your energy), and I was extremely happy when I was able to get back to work again. Only to start randomly faint "everywhere" -got blue lip from one crash and banged my head in the floor more then once. After 2 monitoring-sessions they finally caught one "live". Turns out my heart stops working for several seconds, making me faint. So I was suddenly finding myself in the hospital again. This time to get a pacemaker to help me so I don't faint again. So, now I am known to the guild as "Cyborg Class" :D 

Most important, it works fine, have not fainted since I got it and it really makes me feel a lot more safe then before. I am just glad I don't drive a car, because if that had happened while driving it would not have ended well.

In-game / guild 

In-game things have happened too! Our biggest achievement last year was to kill Garrosh on Heroic (old heroic, what now counts as mythic, but we killed him before it got changed). Wow, that felt amazing after spending SO MUCH TIME working on it. Bastard boss! 

We also had some discussions in how to transform into a mythic guild without loosing ourself in the process, we watched a lot of guilds merge and was not sure that was for us, merging 2 progress-raiding-guilds, that could crash in terms of .. well everything (we are all set in our ways, admit it :P). We decided to take it easy, and not rush into anything just because Warlords was closing in, and we did get some recruits here and there. 

Then this fall we had a request from another guild (they were not raiding at the time, but are known on server for skill and progress in past tiers) if they could join us.

It was a guild with ties to our guild already, several of them had been in our guild earlier plus some of our current raiders and members came from that guild, so we discussed it and decided to welcome them to the family. At first it was very strange for me, but I suspect also for the rest of the guild, new and old, to see 60 people online on a regular weekday, but the merge have gone very smooth IMO. We have gained a lot of new friends and raiders for both teams. Now I just need to remember who is who when speaking on Mumble -lot of new voices, all sound familiar but the "who was that again?" is still valid for me. But that will sort itself once we get to raid more on a regular basis :)

Priestling -from disc to holy 

Another BIG thing that happened was that I went from "Disc FOR LIFE!!!" to "Holy heals all!" in terms of specs.


I had my mind set on playing disc also this expansion, as I have done all expansions since.. well ..tBC. :) 

I leveled as shadow (ofc), and then for the first instances I was all "ok, lets crack this thing up". And it was SO BLOODY HARD (insert random "ThatsWhatSheSaid-comment ;-)). I mean, I expected it, but I did not expect that it would be that hard and after failing an UBRS hc I wanted to go cry in a corner. Nothing of disc felt familiar anymore. 

After sobbing a bit, I thought back on when Cataclysm was released, and I had exactly the same feeling for disc then as I had after these hcs, only that back then I refused to try holy, but rolled shaman instead (did I mention that I am old and set in my ways? And stubborn? No? Well, now you know! :D). This time I was like "I am going to try holy and see how that feels."  Luckily I had kept up with my holy-playing via my priest in @welshjemz' horde guild (The Drafia! :D), so it was not all new to me. 

And it was GLORIOUS! I mean, WOW, what a change. Suddenly I could do all those things I wished for and I was all "ok, Ill keep this spec for now and then go back to disc for raids" (since we did not have a disc priest but we did have another holy one). As raid-start creeped up on us, I realized more and more that I didnt want to go back to disc, not even for raids. Holy was SO fun and ofc all my gear that I got was holy oriented (stats-vise holy and disc clashes as usual. Grr) so I was disc for half a raid and then thought fuck this, Im going back to holy.

Then we got a set of applications, where 1 was a disc priest and I checked stats, gear and talents and it all looked very promising for me staying holy! They are now all on the progressteam and the disc priest is doing a very fine job, so I'm happy for both that she is very good at disc-priesting, but also very happy to be able to stay holy! :D 

Progress and TPR

We did kill Kargath on heroic on the first night, but then we met the Butcher and he.. butchered us. :P So we did do a few normal clears to get some gear and are now working on heroic again. Last night we killed 6/7 on heroic, and got 2 tries of last one on heroic before it was raid end. 

All in all, I think we have a good team, lot of nice folks, strong personalities -and very strong skill-vise so I think this will be a good expansion for us! 

If you want to follow our progress, I will stream all progress-raids I attend. I will sometimes announce on Twitter when I'm firing up the stream, but not always (I am an old woman, and therefor forgetful :P)
I stream at  :-)