fredag 20. februar 2015


As some might know, I have recently moved guild to Nova, residing on Turalyon EU. I do not change guilds often, so for me it is always a huge step to take, leaving old friends behind to find new friends and challenges. Thankfully I have good friends, and we stay in touch across guild-borders. :)

I have always considered myself as a skilled player, able to follow instructions (and bossmods ;-)), being well prepared and sharing my information with my fellow healers and guildies. 

For my trial Nova they were starting on Kromog HC, and the goal after was Blast Furnace HC. The first trial raids I played quite well, IMO, read up on bossfights and came with suggestions and input on bosses per usual. We killed both bosses -with me on the selected group- and I felt included, even if I was not in the guild at the time. After two raid-nights, they wanted to give me an in-guild-trial. And this Tuesday, a week later, they decided to rank me as raider, making me extremely happy!

Last Wednesday raid, we were clearing up to Kromog and beyond, and WOW I died a lot. Trying to remember tactics for 10 bosses, while learning 30 new voices (ok, 25, since I knew a few from earlier :P) was hard! Didnt help that suddenly we were a much bigger group (30 people vs. 15-20 when learning Kromog and BF) then earlier either, so I felt pretty lost. Everyone knew each other, and I did not know anyone at all.

I have always loved the 10 man raid-format. It was just enough people for everyone's personality to shine through, but those times are gone. I have raided 25 man before tho, so it's mainly an adjustment issue. :)

But it have to be said, my play the first week of raiding in Nova can be easily covered by the meme under here.

Then it helps to have people to talk to, and /soothe my crazy mind. Like a friend in the guild said: I know you. I know you are good! Relax and it will be so much better! :)

Adjusting to the guild socially have gone very well, they are a nice bunch of people, it is a bit step up raiding-wise, more hours, but also very efficient. I like the drive, and the humor in raids.

Wednesday we killed up-to and inc. Iron Maidens on HC in just a few hours, leaving Blast Furnace and Blackhand still alive. Not bad for a few hours of raiding. All over I played better Wednesday then the first week, but Iron Maidens can just go die in a fire (yeah pun intended ;p)... For the rest I did ok, so I am hoping that slow and steady wins the race. That every day I get more confident, and trust myself again. :) I am -after all- pretty awesome! ;-)

I have spent the last days thinking how to change things around, and I think what I have to realize is that TPR-Class is a different person/player then Nova-Class. And I need to find out who Nova-Class is. I have to find my place in the group. I always have some adjustment-time for new guilds, and so it will be here too. Usually I land on my feet. I hope I figure her out soon, so my nerves can get a break, and I can relax a bit. And so my friends can have a break from me obsessing over this ;-)

At the end, a song I have been listening to a lot lately. :D