tirsdag 18. november 2014

Warlord of Draenor -finally released!

Finally Warlords is here! 

Everyone I know was more then ready to do some orc-slaying, and having 60 people in guild online the first days -even with lag and random disconnects- say how excited everyone was! And more and more are coming back to the game, so we have a lot of new people and old people (original TPR-people from vanilla-TPR :D) in a lovely mix. Guild chat makes me very happy these days! 


And boy, did Blizzard deliver! 

Also, before someone say "oh but garrison was bugged and the queuetimes was horrible" I KNOW THAT! :) And I'm not talking about that, I am talking about how freakingly awesome the game looks! 

Look at that sky! <3

If you have been playing WoW through some expac's, you should know that Blizzard always under-estimate how popular they are, thus there will be lag, DC's, bugs and queues the first days! :D

But I will give them credit, they worked their ass of to fix things, constant rolling restarts, updated hardware to fit more people, and after a few days it is now working as intended. :)

Falling through the world

 I took the whole amount of 4 days of work (Thursday-Tuesday, today is my last day *sob*), and I have enjoyed it immensely! My priest hit 100 on.. hmm was it Friday or was it Saturday. I am actually not sure :O *checks armory*  15th! That means Saturday indeed. :)

Final DING! I have been saying DING! in g.chat for every level from 90-100. Just because! 

I was very happy to be 100, but lacked a few levels to join normals, so after being lucky with some random upgrades, first part of the ring-quest, and a couple of pvp-items later.. I was ready to hit heroics.

All priest-normal-group (for ring, yo!)!  Except for the tank. Not intentionally but still very funny :D 

And then it started to hurt...

Did my first heroics with a full melee group from the guild, and me as disc. Boy that hurt. A lot. They were good at CC'ing trash and all, but constant ticking dmg and me not having great gear + not much to cast "on the run"... It made me want to cry :< Had that Cata feeling all over again, and not in a good way :P (disc was really crap back then too :P) I mean, disc is viable as a spec if you either have good gear/group have good gear, or you can stand still and build up those shields.

On the move spells are Divine star (needs somewhat aiming), penance (long CD) and shields. Prayer of Mending: casttime, all normal heals: casttime. Lvl 100 spell: casttime.

So Monday, I re-enchanted my gear to +multistrike, went to priest trainer and said: make me holy, oh good priests! And they did.

And gosh, its like a new world! :O Suddenly my heals, HEALS for something. And I have my renew back <3 (yes I know as disc I should have hated it and all that, but I used it as disc aswell and I miss it in my spellbook when I'm disc :()

So, for now -for heroics at least- I am planing to stay holy. Maybe until they fix disc even. Not sure really. Disc really have its uses for raids, with the Clarity of Will-talent that gives disc another absorb-talent on top of the rest. And you can just put it on the whole raid. No restrictions on targets.

The holy version of it is very interesting for raids too, it replaces Prayer of Healing, and instead of healing the group it heals people around the target you are casting it on. I foresee "holy healing melee" in raids, inc. again just like when Circle of healing was introduced :D (I was one of two holy priests in raidgroup at the time and our job was always "heal melee" :P)

But at the moment I have taken the extra Prayer of Mending proc. for heroics since it makes more sense for heroics. :) The last talent for lvl 100 seems utterly useless. You get an instant heal, but your healing suffers for 10 sec after. And it stacks. I mean .. wtf?

Other things Ive been up to: not understanding Garrisons completly, but I have one, and IT IS GLORIOUS! :D I still don't know how to make followers help on profession-houses (I think they can at least, judging from g.chat discussions) but I'm sure I will understand it one day :P

My very own Stormwind! :D

I am not sure if it is an option now, and that I just dont know it (could very well be!) but I would love for my Garrison to have things like Auction House, Bank, Void Storage and (ofc!) Transmog-options!
Yes I am putting it out there! Gimme my bank, and transmogger plix. All propper citys like Class' Garrison (tm) needs it! :D

So that concludes my journey so far! I have taken some awesome pictures, so might probably will be more posts coming^^

/Class out

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